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5 results in /b/ - Boson Technology


Hmm, usually I treat normalfag as a stronger way to say norm, just like normalfaggot is a step up in turn. That's what I assumed happened in >>>/qa/112645 (sorry to point fingers) since generals being chatrooms is such a common talking point and the tone was much more negative than usual. Same for >>>/secret/17687, just a bit of buttupsetness. That and the tech schizo are the only results from recent months:

Now, that aside, if I were to see someone spell out silly memes like that right by the door, I'd assume a penguin of doom situation, in a bad way. It simply runs contrary to imageboard obscurantism, and that's what we're stuck with. I agree with >>11910. In any case, Patchy and Koruri aren't like fat Sanae, they're posted regularly and things would have to go very, very wrong for that to stop being the case. They're not too hard to grasp either, I'd worry more about greeners.


I (>>11906) think it's important to mention our memes/inside-jokes because they're one of the easiest things to lose as a community grows. As a real-life example, recently, I've seen people using the term 'normalfag' on Kissu, in lieu of our homegrown variant 'norm'.

I'm not trying to play culture police; that sort of thing is the death knell of a community. Nor am I saying that all of the people doing it are necessarily new users. But I think it's important to the sites identity that we inform new users about elements of our site culture that don't exist elsewhere, so that they're at least aware of them.

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I think any talk about norms/normies/normalfags/etc has a detrimental effect on kissu or any other site. Ideological purity tests rarely have a beneficial effect, as I think people visiting here want a more laid back attitude in which a perceived hierarchy is not of anyone's concern. Personally, I don't care if you're the president of Kenya, or a serial killer, or a hermit hasn't seen the sun in 40 years as long as you're nice here.
I don't propose a ban on it, but I think people really try to avoid these dick measuring contests. What say you?


Go away normalfag


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Czaks ruda kurwa is the administrator/creator of vichan. On top of that, he is a well known serpent, thief, manipulator, and all around a shit person, much, much worse than Jim, Littlecar and Josh all combined.

In case you don't know, vichan is a polish imageboard with the levels of cancer exceeding reddit, 4ch and tumblr and whatever you can think of. It's basically facebook with "anonymity" at present point. For one, Czaks is advertising a chan/imageboard derivative called Uczuciopedia on his website, which is a facebook page running on stolen polish chan culture original content and memes and run by highschool normalfag chads. He was invited to a party organised by Lanceq, the creator of Uczuciopedia, on which he (czaks) was insulted and made fun of (he wanted to feel like a highschooler chad one more time </3, rip in peace)

Czaks has a history of undermining privacy of the users of his chan, he has also declared vichan "the polish 4chan", he has fucked up karachan a few times (another polish chan, this one is less cancerous and more of a mix of modern day 8ch and old 4ch /b/) and generally assisted in spreading Polish chan OC on mainstream sites like facebook, for cancerous normalfag youth to use and appropriate.

Pic rel is czaks, as you can notice, he is a ginger and has no soul.

I don't think I'll be able to find you anything in english. And not much in polish, unless I find an archived imageboard page, because the good anons don't blog about chans and don't talk about chans outside of chans (Karachan, for example, tries to keep outsiders out so bad that you need special cookies and adblock lines to get in and browse properly). One fact I recall was that he blew all the server money on drugs, (I think it was cocaine?) the money included ad revenue and donations.

Typing in "czaks ruda kurwa" gets you this:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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9 results in /qa/ - Questions and Answers


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There's no perfectly comfy imageboard but Kissu's probably the closest you'll get to it. Smugloli actually discusses anime unlike 90% of other places, but like others said they really like complaining about le normalfags and black people, since that *somehow* ties into anime. Kissu avoids both of those and the only relatively annoying issue here is that some people, definitely not all, become passive-aggressive or outright childish at the slightest hint of disagreeing with a discussion. Generally >>119710 is correct, though. Most people here can 空気を読む pretty well and discuss stuff without it becoming an insult fest.


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Honestly I think my life is starting to improve and I'm glad that people here are niceish to me.
Just stay away from Normalfag websites like X or... Yeah pretty much avoid twitter like the plague.


>Acceleration of SUGURI 2?
Maybe. If it's a copy of Twinkle Star Sprite's gameplay then probably so. But I know there was an obscure doujin touhou game with the same mechanic. I just think it came out before online play was common or being included in doujin releases.

You're better off playing Twinkle Star because it can run on any device you own and the gameplay was already perfect. Probably easier to find a game as well since it has gotten more popular over the last year or two since some normalfags discovered fightcade and bought the steam edition to "support the developers". DO NOT buy the steam edition. The devs get nothing and it's really really bad. The emulation is horrible.

Speaking of Fightcade the v2 release is garbage. While it added support for more games it made two horrible changes:
>GUI became a discord clone running in an embedded web browser (v1 had IRC-style GUI and everything didn't lag your computer for no reason)
>They want you to "donate" to have more than 3 games in your "list" at a time. Even though it's an artificial limit that can be by-passed by removing a game and adding another. Or simply blocking some of their kuso javascript code.

I prefer v1. v2 has no improvements beyond hooking into more emulators that could have worked fine with the old interface. They've only pushed a new version to appeal to discord users and farm for donations. They aren't even doing anything at this point. They're taking other people's emulators and GGPO and combining them with a kuso local webpage. They even broke all the old replays for v1 users awhile back and their website for stats, brackets, and replays is constantly down. No warning at all. I lost years of replays between myself and my friend that died in 2019.

I've been considering making my own fork of FightCade v1 to fix these problems. Added support for new emulators and games isn't hard. Updating the GUI a bit wouldn't be hard either (it could be improved). I just don't have the time to work on it right now.

One major thing I want to add to a "fightcade" style application is support for native Windows games. I want to be able to play newer games like BB:CF,GG+R, DBZF, SF4, and other modern games with online play included. I also want to incluPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I've decided to write about basically everything I could think of that's relevant here, so please bear with me. You can call it a rant, but there's a narrative here.

To start off, Andy is honestly one of the best examples I could hope for in terms of, let's say, namedfags, in a stereotypical way. He was extremely notorious back on 4/qa/, extremely notorious on Kissu before leaving, and extremely notorious once more after returning a month ago. Here's one of the pics that were made about him back then. I'm not gonna describe his behavior in detail, I'm just going to say he's the particular kind of person that doesn't do it for attention, it's just the way he is. For me, at some point the familiarity bias kicked in, it became more endearing than upsetting. He doesn't give a fuck and I deeply respect that, not in spite of that he can be quite a piece of work.
However, (and this is what sets it apart from a clique) you can criticize him all you want, he's still a fucking faggot, and nobody's going to hound you if you do so. He doesn't have immunity, if anything it's the opposite. You don't need to know who he is, either. He's kind of a walking meme, and I like to interact with him as such every so often. Sometimes it's better to reply "shut up, andy" than to actually engage him. But, I'm not going to proactively namedrop him up out of nowhere, that I do disagree with.

As for myself, in the last few months I've been referred to by four different names, all of which were accurate, not boogeymen in any way, and *predominantly* used in a positive way. I got them not by avatarfagging but by posting things I like. One of them I received over the course of a single thread (with divisive feedback), where someone made a funny edit about our exchanges, another person said he was inspired by my autism, and later on a third guy made a youtube video that was a parody mocking my posts. Shit was hilarious, frankly, I enjoyed it a lot. But I'm never gonna go and parade myself as that one anon from that one time as if that made me a superior poster, that's not the point. I'll just treasure the memory. The point is that I was given names, singled out, and had fun with it, it was by no means a bad thing. It wasn't just me either, others were having fun too.
I've never tripped myself and I don't plan to, never used the name field seriously at all, but it's also worth mentioning people like Catface and jevin which were really just excellent and IPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The opposite of autistic is not a normalfag. Normal, well-adjusted, neurotypical people can very easily have an emotional attachment to a fictional character. Do you really think all those people who like books, movies, and TV shows couldn't care less about the characters themselves and only care about the plot? That's ridiculous. That's so far from normal it's obscene to suggest!

By contrast it is precisely the neurodivergent, the autistic, that might not care about the personhood or emotions of a given character -- let alone even be able to comprehend said character's thoughts. I honestly think the word autistic has been watered down so heavily that people online who think of themselves as outcasts who have niche hobbies think of themselves as autistic when they're really just poorly socialized and introverted.



But in all seriousness, I see nothing wrong with it if the site's structured around it. It's upfront about what it is and if you don't like it you don't have to use it.


Because all generals eventually become chatrooms. Imageboards that function as Discord servers are a dumb idea second only to imageboards based on being le ebin trolls by spamming normalfag memes to annoy other imageboards.

Laughing at those retards right now.


>Also why are people surprised that shit made by normalfags for normalfags is boring and uninspired?
Because Facebook announced they dumped $10 billion into VR development this year alone and are hiring 10K developers in the EU to make their "metaverse."


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Fuck facebook or whatever they're called now, I am not buying or using anything made by them.
Also why are people surprised that shit made by normalfags for normalfags is boring and uninspired?
I hope that different developers pick up VR, both the hardware and software, cause it would be seriously a huge disappointment if it gets all centralized into facebook "metaverse".

1 result in /secret/ - Kuon Culture


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>Romantic love would have been wonderful, and I fantasized about it tremendously as a teenager and young adult as I wanted to experience the things I saw in RPGs and such (Lunar...)
That's more or less how I think, too. I guess the way I see it is that I'd like to at least experience it once before I can't anymore. Past a certain point, you lose out on that opportunity for innocent youthful romance and your dating pool starts diminishing to people who already have kids or are relatively desensitized to love.

It used to be easier to deal with when I was younger, and I used to complain about normalfags and waifu for laifu and so on just like most other NEETs do, but through my mid 20s the feelings of longing to make someone happy and to be able to share and do the things we like together have made my heart heavy. Surely there are people of equally sentimental mind out there. Do we truly all just while away the years alone and slowly get more bitter and older?

I'd originally intended my post as just an empty thought before it got moved to it's own thread, but I guess my point was is that for NEETs, romance feels like a hole that progressively gets harder and harder to climb out of. Your interests won't align with people out in the real world, and online, legitimate relationships are basically impossible to establish. It feels impossible to break this cycle. And yet you'd think it wouldn't with the number of people that are probably similarly like-minded.

2 results in /spg/ - Spring


If I had to sum it up, I think I'd describe it as "less miserable".
People are much more forthcoming with their interests, fanfic is surprisingly more mainstream (at least with Dragon Ball, DB AF came out all the way back in 1999 and everyone knows about it, also see El Hermano de Jiren/Gohan Blanco), the attitude around loli is a lot laxer than in the anglosphere, and there isn't as much of a focus on refined taste, elitism, or fighting normalfaggotry (for better or worse). You don't have nearly as many hardcore 2D lovers as Japan's, but you don't have Anglo moralist crusaders either, and the concept of ironic weebs doesn't exist. East/west divide isn't as strong, as you can see with artists like Alkemanubis, perhaps because it's all foreign anyways.


Comments there are the most embarrassing normalfag opinions I've read in a while.

1 result in /sum/ - Summer


Imageboard users will look down on normalfags but their consumer choices in anime, software, consumer technology, preferred websites to waste time on, all become part of their identity that they religiously proselytize and take up in some holy war. It's like that slide from that presentation about making consumers into brand evangelists. This is the goal of every big company, and people on the internet (I say people, but it really only affects men, women couldnt care less it seems) completely adopt this frame of thinking and engage in brand jihad. It's bizarre. Get a real personality.

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