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File:[A-FanRips]_The_Five_Star_….jpg (447.74 KB,1868x1078)


When's the kissu autumn shartstone tournament?


don't you have to spend money to be good at that game


You can just play battlegrounds and never have to spend money on anything. The cards given to you are completely RNG


File:[Erai-raws] Higurashi no N….jpg (149.63 KB,1280x720)

I've seen it a few times, but it doesn't seem too interesting to me. How many cards are there to memorize? It's like MTG, right?


There's a good amount of cards, but in BGs you're only offered up a select amount each turn to shop from, and they're distinct/simple enough for anyone to remember after seeing them a couple times. I wouldn't say the gameplay is all too similar to MTG, it's an auto-something but I can't remember the term for it. Although it's pretty simple to pick up on


what do these girls have to do with bad card games?


they want to watch us...
filthy dirty girls


File:image.jpeg (21 KB,480x360)

Where are the Blue Eyes White Dragons!

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