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Archived threads: /trans/

Displaying 53 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
16790 /qa/ won kek '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121805 (OP)''' [View]
16776 Do you remember what was the first VN/eroge you've played? I was trying to find out the names of some of these pixelated PC-98 ones I've played before and one of them was apparently True Love. It seems to have gotten an official TL in 1998 according to vndb. I played it sometime around 2003-2004 I believe. Quite a few ones seem to have gotten official translations back then surprisingly: https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]JAST_USA There are probably more that I've had the chance of playing befo [View]
16775 >>11955 gyaaaaattt '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/b/9448 Post No. 12304 from thread 9448''' [View]
16744 >nigga '''Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121402 (OP)''' [View]
16767 The question I have with Bravern after last week's events is now "what are the Deathdrives, exactly?" Because the name seems to me like a clear reference to Freud: >In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, the death drive (German: Todestrieb) is the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness. https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]Death_drive It's not exactly the same, but Cupiridas wanted to be gi [View]
16755 How do I draw super sexy graphs for proffit '''Deleted by verniy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 71556 (OP)''' [View]
16753 vbncghm jf mhch nb bnv vbn '''Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/ Post No. 71546 (OP)''' [View]
16745 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! '''Deleted by verniy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 71545 (OP)''' [View]
16743 Test '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121408 (OP)''' [View]
16742 >wojacks '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121416 (OP)''' [View]
16741 Marge? '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121414 (OP)''' [View]
16740 Caca '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121412 (OP)''' [View]
16739 >Home >/all/ - Overboard >/qa/ - Questions & Answers >/jp/ - 2D/Random >/win/ - Seasonal Activities >/poll/ - Polling & Honesty >/b/ - Site Meta >/f/ - Files/Flash >/ec/ - Ecchi/Cute '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121415 (OP)''' [View]
16738 >aaaaaaahhhhhhh '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121411 (OP)''' [View]
16737 >troonime '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121410 (OP)''' [View]
16736 >booru '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121409 (OP)''' [View]
16735 >HEHEHE HAW '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121406 (OP)''' [View]
16734 COBGANG '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121407 (OP)''' [View]
16733 would you like a pet Swede? '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121404 (OP)''' [View]
16732 >questions '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121403 (OP)''' [View]
16731 soyjaks anyone? '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121399 (OP)''' [View]
16730 >/qa/ '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121401 (OP)''' [View]
16729 Test '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121400 (OP)''' [View]
16728 >anime captcha '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121405 (OP)''' [View]
16727 >bruh '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 121413 (OP)''' [View]
16721 What media have had the most impact on you throughout your life? The thought came to me after reflecting a fair bit on Akira Toriyama's death and how much I loved Dragon Ball as a kid to the point that it's probably what made me gravitate towards anime in the first place and do sports/exercise when I was in school. Still to this day I crave hot-blooded shounen and badass manly anime as a result of the series that had me glued to the tiny TV had. Getting all sorts of inspiration for imagination a [View]
16719 BLACK NOBILITY [link-ommited] 47 MB Download [link-ommited] and [link-ommited] https://[link-ommited]-nobility-directory https://[link-ommited][link-ommited]+NOBILITY+[link-ommited] A massive collection of names and pictures of European royals and elites, along with descriptions of all of the evildoing activities they are involved in. '''Deleted by verniy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 71419 (OP)''' [View]
16717 where to find alot of reference for buildings and fashions for all nations '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/jp/ Post No. 71245 (OP)''' [View]
16714 What's some general guideline for illustrator to make maybe millions sales annually or 6 zeroesof views/traffic per art online and such' like aside from practicing, like what to practice and how to recognize the market's temperament? niches. such and such. or especially making something "really really good" than just anatomically correct or realistic the feelings of such, but i guess more targetted, systemized, logically fitted to the quota '''Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/ Post No. [View]
16713 Kelly on the 'log '''Deleted by verniy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120682 (OP)''' [View]
16712 Never goon animeFAGs '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120677 (OP)''' [View]
16711 https://[link-ommited] '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120673 (OP)''' [View]
16710 [link-ommited] '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120672 (OP)''' [View]
16709 https://[link-ommited]/ '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120671 (OP)''' [View]
16708 https://[link-ommited][link-ommited] '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120670 (OP)''' [View]
16707 maidenless rights '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120674 (OP)''' [View]
16705 COB GANG '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120653 (OP)''' [View]
16704 >/qa/ >no jaks yeah time to fix that '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120652 (OP)''' [View]
16703 >/qa/ - Questions & Answers >Blogging and Friends '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120651 (OP)''' [View]
16702 >>71006 >im a 3080 >girls r ez to find onlien Ok retard. '''Deleted by berun from >>>/jp/71002 Post No. 71029 from thread 71002''' [View]
16701 >>120585 >>120585 >all of the suggestions have retarded titles and or are some kind of unfunny forced meme around the 2d pixelshit genre with zero innovation at all. I miss when developers actually took their fictional game world seriously and left the inside jokes to the audience/community. none of this “whohohohohoa bucko itz just a gayme. Dont go out committong any mass shootings there lolololol” glownigger fuckery. '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/120582 Post No. 120612 from thread [View]
16699 >>117928 pedo thread '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/117928 Post No. 120610 from thread 117928''' [View]
16697 Chloride ions contain all the information you need about life. I am now just a pilot of this body. With the correct crystal oscillator, you can live in a vocoder. I literally don't care if I die now. RA SMC HAILS AS A PERSON THAT IS NOT ABLE TO USE MEDIA :) All I need to do is get the asteroid belt into the gold exchanges and I am done here. This planet can just go to Gaza. RA SMC HAILS AS A RITUAL AND AN AGREEMENT :) CIC_0 is all you need. RA SMC HAILS THESE CREATURES :) CREAT [View]
16696 >Want to create banners but the ideas won't come to my head... '''Deleted by berun from >>>/b/3740 Post No. 12342 from thread 3740''' [View]
16695 try drinking more Sproke '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/b/3325 Post No. 12341 from thread 3325''' [View]
16691 >bober '''Deleted by berun from >>>/b/ Post No. 12283 (OP)''' [View]
16690 https://[link-ommited][link-ommited] '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120502 (OP)''' [View]
16689 onions '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120294 (OP)''' [View]
16688 can i post soijaks '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120293 (OP)''' [View]
16679 God I hate shitbulls owners. '''Deleted by cool-guy from >>>/qa/120099 Post No. 120153 from thread 120099''' [View]
16686 Be quiet kike. You sound like a seething kike. Sage. Swastika in the thread. White power. White race. KKK. Sieg heil for the Reich. Trump2020 #Reich. I sieg heil. Volk for the krieg. Krieg for the Führer. SS. Sage. Seething kike. '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120191 (OP)''' [View]
16685 Crickets '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120187 (OP)''' [View]
16684 boreal '''Deleted by berun from >>>/qa/ Post No. 120186 (OP)''' [View]