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/megu/ - Megumin 2.0

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NTR thread as soon as I collect some images from my favorite games


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no one post anything the above disagrees with


You know, I think the shift towards brats and ikemen in NTR is actually an improvement from the fat guys and old men


These NTR games are nothing without translation, like that's some really harsh shit shes saying in her diary just from MTL but I'm sure theres nuance Im missing


they really need translations to shine otherwise it's just a fetish of girls dominating weaker guys while getting dominated by stronger guys


Whats your favorite game?


In the genre? I appreciate authors more than the individual titles. But I guess there's a toss up between Thug Hero Party and Time Loop NTR.

Then you have a lot of games that are high quality and could easily be a replacement for either of the two above.

I would say that if you know Japanese or can stand the sucky UnityML then you could pick any game from Kegani and find some of the best scenarios

BBQ has a lot of nice ones too which are translated
But the series that is proving to be their best (Nebel Geisterjäger) is either translation in progress or won't get one.


The way thug hero party ended was too thoughtful for a porn game in my opinion.
I guess I'll try time loop, and yeah if you're into something as niche as a specific genre of h-game, it's to be expected most stuff is probably untranslated
Back from when I used to obsessively follow NTR, I remember the harshest stuff was typically nukige, no idea if those studios/circles are even still active


Also im sure theres some good western NTR games out there but the vast majority is weird 3d shit and raceplay unfortunately


When's the dump?


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Lo-fi NTR beats to despair/receive orgasm denial to

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